Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Long List of Benefits of Breastfeeding

You must have read numerous reading materials stating the long list of benefits of breastfeeding. Based on my experience and observations, here is my list.

1)                 When my children are sick, they have less chances of getting dehydrated; and less chances of throwing up any solids. I’ve heard stories that babies who are sick throw up their formula milk or any solid foods. When my children do not like to eat solid foods, I am secured that they will still get the nutrients they need from my breast milk.
2)                 Strong bones. Both my kids love walking and running.
3)                 My children will never go hungry during family trips. Breastfeeding is hassle free when feeding my hungry children. I can do it anytime and anywhere if there are no available solid foods. Though usually, we do not leave our home without any food that our children can munch.
4)                 No need for bottles and water. My godmother once said when she was with us on a short trip to the mall, “May, you do not need to bring feeding bottles and water.” I replied, “Yes it is. It is built in J” The precious milk that we can provide our babies is with us.

The long list of benefits of breastfeeding is endless for both our children and to us mommies. I, being a mom who is into tandem and extending breastfeeding is encouraging you to try it. I do not mean you follow me but I would like you to at least try breastfeeding after giving birth. Do not lose hope if you are facing challenges. Seek help and support. There are groups and organizations providing the support you need.

Always remember that you are doing it for your baby and for you as well – there are plenty of short-term and long-term benefits of breastfeeding.

the products of breast milk :)
Mommy kisses,


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